Companies are increasingly choosing to work with suppliers based on their ESG credentials and their commitment to positively impacting the environment and society. This covers many areas, such as reducing inequality, lessening carbon emissions, anti-corruption, and health and safety.

A global initiative in this area are the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - a universal set of goals that aim to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure everyone can enjoy global peace and prosperity.

At Circit, we feel it is our duty to do the right thing and to positively contribute to our society. We have chosen to align our core values to the SDG’s that we feel are most relevant to us.

What Are SDGs?

SDGs are a collection of seventeen interlinked objectives that aim to act as a blueprint for people and the planet.

They call for urgent action in the areas of poverty reduction, improving health and well-being, climate action, economic growth and clean water and sanitation. They were formulated in 2015 at the United National General Assembly. 

Each SDG has associated goals and targets, and it is aimed for most of these to be met by 2030.

What Are Circit’s Chosen SDGs, And How Do These Align With Our Values?

Circit’s ESG committee has focused on the following four SDGs for the coming year.

#10 Reduced Inequalities

Goal: By 2030 empower and promote social, economic and political inclusions across a range of areas, including age, sex and ethnicity. 

In practice, this is achieved by eliminating discriminatory laws and policies and promoting appropriate legislation and policies.

Circit’s aligned value: Experience

Circit employs a diverse team who believe in pushing the boundaries of innovating and challenging the status quo. Our inclusive and diverse hiring approach ensures we access the best people, with individuals hired based on their abilities rather than their background and beliefs. We make the journey wonderful. 

For the coming year we will ensure that all staff have access to a diversity and inclusion training programme.

#12 Responsible Consumption And Production

Goal: By 2030 substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.

To achieve this, companies are encouraged to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle.

This SDG also seeks to influence wider society by ensuring that information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature are widely available to people globally.

Circit’s aligned value: Impact

The starting point for every opportunity with our customers is to make things better for them. While our platform and technology streamline audit and accounting processes and provide deep insights, carbon reduction is another benefit.

Unlike traditional audit processes, Circit has a positive impact on reducing paper by moving processes to our online platform, removing the physical paper trail.

This year we are undertaking a carbon assessment of our business organisation, and will work towards reducing and offsetting our emissions.

We are also committed to supporting local environmental initiatives, and took part in a team clean-up day on 22nd April, a date planned to coincide with Earth Day. This was part of National Spring Clean, Ireland’s anti-litter initiative.

#16 Peace, Justice And Strong Institutions

Goal: Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels.

This SDG also aims to ensure there is public access to information and to protect fundamental freedoms in accordance with national legalisation and international agreement. 

Circit’s aligned value: Trust

Trust is baked into everything we do. 

We embrace one another’s points of view and believe in strong opinions as, ultimately, this can empower the search for better outcomes. We are approachable, accountable, and step up to deliver.

The Circit platform is designed to facilitate transparent business transactions. We enable our customers to identify fraud and to increase the effectiveness of the audit process. Throughout the coming year we will be working on additional features in our platform that will further enhance the ability of our customers to analyse the transnational data of their clients.

#8 Decent Work And Economic Growth

Goal: Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation.

Encourage the growth of SMEs, including through access to financial services. 

By 2030 full and productive employment, with equal pay, should be available for all, including disabled people.

Circit’s value: Collaboration

We move together seamlessly as a team, prioritising partnerships and collaboration to build a company that is greater than the sum of our parts. 

If something goes wrong, it’s never just one person’s fault.

This leads to effective problem-solving and satisfying work. New ideas can come from anywhere, with the whole organisation benefiting.

What This Means For Circit’s ESG Strategy

The alignment of company-adopted SDGs and Circit’s values help inform a comprehensive stream of ESG activity.

This incorporates seeking to make a positive impact via the Circit platform, working with a range of charitable partners, and a focus on environmental initiatives.

Delivering On ESG Is Win Win 

A younger demographic of employees seek to work at purpose-led organisations so ESG can be an effective way to attract and retain staff.

As more corporations seek to work with partners that have an ESG focus, we can hold each other accountable to these standards of improved sustainability and positive business practices.

Setting and fulfilling ESG objectives has wider benefits to our local and global economies and helps make a positive difference. This is why Circit is doubling down on our efforts to support our chosen causes and SDGs. 

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