We are thrilled to announce the expansion of our team with the appointment of Brian Costello as Head of Open Banking & Compliance Strategy.

As a data security and governance expert, Brian has spent his career focussed on the responsible use of data in financial services, particularly open banking and open finance. 

Combining this with a wealth of knowledge on data strategy, governance and compliance, he is the ideal person to come aboard with Circit at this point in our growth.

Open banking creates unprecedented opportunities for audit, including streamlined workflows and increased efficiencies as well as boosting compliance through using transactional data that is directly from source.

Brian Costello:
"Compliance is part of Circit's culture for ourselves, our products and all our engagements. This foundation of trust combined with our platform and experience makes us a reliable partner for our clients."

Brian will be shaping and guiding Circit’s ongoing efforts of bringing open banking to more audit firms.

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