Bart van Praag joins as Chief Revenue Officer

We are delighted to announce that Bart van Praag has joined Circit as Chief Revenue Officer. Having trained as an architect and structural engineer, Bart has a ‘builder’ mentality focused on growth. Honing his skills over 25 years of working in disruptive technology and business development makes him the ideal person to build Circit’s strategy and sustainable growth.  


“Circit is uniquely positioned to impact and support audit quality, which is an increasing challenge for many firms. We will quickly become the standard for confirmations, verified transactions, and managing Prepared-by-Client documentation. I am excited to be part of this journey.”

The appointment of this key role represents a pivotal moment in Circit’s growth and plans, solidifying our growth strategy and goals. Circit is expanding into new markets, attracting new customer segments and augmenting our product offering.  


“My core principles are cross-functional collaboration, great execution, a sense of urgency, and leaving egos at home. Ego can lock us into a narrow way of thinking, preventing us from listening to other perspectives and limiting our ability to adapt. And as evolutionary theory teaches us, those who don’t adapt, disappear.”

We heartily welcome Bart to the company and look forward to continuing to offer value and impact to our customers and future customers under his guidance.

Product spotlight: AR/AP confirmations  

Accounts receivable play a key role in reducing risk and ensuring financial statement accuracy, yet there are several challenges associated with AR/AP Confirmations that can make the correct management and completion a long, complicated and potentially tedious process.  

That’s why we’re shining the spotlight on Circit’s AR/AP Confirmations solution.

  • Improve accuracy and reduce errors

AR/AP Confirmations allows for advanced bulk uploads in an Excel-style interface. Generate multiple requests with one click and eliminate manual processing and all its associated errors. With the included smart templates, there is less time to spend on admin and more time on value-add.  

  • All stakeholders on the same page

Real-time updates and confirmations ensure that client’s customers and suppliers are all on the same page with accurate and up-to-date information. Clients can add details, authorize requests and attach invoices. Real-time tracking with automated follow-up reminders makes managing the process end-to-end a breeze.  

  • Boost response rates

A trusted and secure platform for all stakeholders and evidence along with a simplified and streamlined process for customers and suppliers results in higher response rates. A centralized system means there are clear audit trails and transparency for everyone involved.  

Enhance your audit accuracy and efficiency with AR/AP Confirmations – start here.  

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